Suppressed thoughts and emotions will leak out eventually, sometimes violently. Yet, the rallying cry of modern society is to silence the maverick, cancel the minority, and hide the deranged. It's foolish, for we will continue to experience unfavourable events involving horrific activity unless we provide a welcoming space for people to unload their minds openly. But clearly, many people are unwilling to confront the monster of another, let alone their own.
Our civilisation has become so complex that our ancestors from ten thousand years' back when time travelled to the 21st century would baffle at the trajectory that civilisation took. But even then one thing that never changed is the belief in myths and stories. Even now the majority are forced to think that the universe is a creation of God. Since there are thousands of gods each attributed to different religions, there are thousands of stories about the beginning of the universe. But one thing in common to all the stories is that 'their god' is the hero in it. I remember reading a quote from Rousseau which says “Man is born free but everywhere is in chains.” We can't refute the statement since it's unfortunately true. We all are born free but we cannot survive alone. We aren't self-sufficient. We need the help of other human beings in almost everything we do. Almost in every constitution of the world, we consider 18 as the age someone is considered an adult. So...