
Showing posts from June, 2022
Suppressed thoughts and emotions will leak out eventually, sometimes violently. Yet, the rallying cry of modern society is to silence the maverick, cancel the minority, and hide the deranged. It's foolish, for we will continue to experience unfavourable events involving horrific activity unless we provide a welcoming space for people to unload their minds openly. But clearly, many people are unwilling to confront the monster of another, let alone their own.
Capitalism ruined us. We chase the wrong things in life. We are constantly being taught that money/profit is the most important thing in life and having a lot of money implies 'happiness'. Sure, money is important. But after a point, does it worth the hype?  Materialism is ingrained in us. Unveil the illusion. 
Apart from paying taxes, how do you contribute back to society? How your presence is beneficial to society? How do you influence the world around you? 
Stars, moon, literature, rain, romance, love.... This is what we stay alive for. 💫